Thursday, February 2, 2012


Welcome to LEGIT WOMEN!

(Ladies Encountering God in the Trenches)

For those who haven't yet attended yet, here is a little more info about who we are - 

The purpose of this group is for women to come together to share their stories, their prayer requests, their praises, and their laughter. The term "LEGIT Women" seems to fit, in that we are all trying to live "right lives"or "legitimate lives" in the eyes of God. 

I have an acronym for "LEGIT" (pronounced (*lej-it) as in legitimate). It's:

Ladies Encountering God in the Trenches 

It's meant to be fun, as well as encouraging to women who are all in different places in their walk with God. Kind of a ..."bunko with a purpose" idea, or a "senior" MOPS with NO craft!!! ;)

I invite women from the community to come and share in their (varied) areas of expertise, and then we break up into more of a small group format to discuss topics on a more personal level. The speaker for November is in the works, and I'm excited about her topic! (More on that later...) 

This is a completely open group, so if you know anyone that could benefit from some "female" time, please feel free to invite them as well, just direct them to the group or event page to RSVP. 

(Special shout out to the FICNO Group! We're honored that you have joined our group, and are so excited to get to know you all!) 

I am really looking forward to seeing you all soon.

In Him,
Mary Grace Braatz